I met Cassie (cassiescompass.com) and Ka’eo through my best friend Kailen. They moved to California late last year from Oklahoma, so I finally got to meet them last fall when Kailen came to visit and brought us together. I’ve been wanting to take pictures of them for a while so I was so excited when Cassie said they wanted to do photos and would drive up all the way from Fresno for the day!!
Coyote Point Engagement Session – Rachel and Harnick
These two are so cute together!! It was super ridiculously windy, and it was also cloudy and overcast so I ended up not really being able to use the pictures in the trees because everything was crazy and I was walking too quickly and didn’t have a fast enough shutter speed.
San Carlos Christmas Tree Farm Couples Session – Jasmine and Grant
We went to Coyote Point to take pictures and it was incredibly windy… so windy that my pictures from there are the opposite of good because of the blur, my choice of location/lighting was really bad, andddd the wind made for hair everywhere and clothes clinging.
Potrero Hill Engagement Pictures – Rachel and Jordan
You can tell from literally every single one of these photos that these two love each other so much and that they are so ridiculously fun. I laughed throughout the whole session and then as I was culling the photos I just kept laughing! Aren’t they so fun and cute??